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Your company becomes more profitable.


Your company becomes more profitable.


Your company becomes more profitable.

Darren Murphy effects change in organizations by changing the way employees think and act. His philosophy is to create a better individual, a more effective individual. This in turn creates a better organization, a more effective organization. This is not rocket science, but is too often overlooked. A business either succeeds or fails because of the accumulated daily thoughts and actions of its people. It's not about business processes, it's about people. And that is where Darren Murphy steps in.

The select disciplines he offers are a result of years of study, based on best application, and constructed so as to inform, inspire and improve.

Proven, straightforward benefits

These benefits are simple, powerful and immediate.


Do you experience: Employees with minimal communications skills? Employees looking for opportunities to create conflict?
Employees who thrive on confrontation? 

Would you like: Employees who follow the Golden Rule? Employees who look to enhance the Golden Rule? Employees who are advocates for the company? Employees who look for opportunities to create new customers and new business?

Are you presently: A referee? A hall monitor? A surrogate parent?

If you have answered yes, Darren Murphy can help you. 

What if you had a team who clearly knew their purpose, who clearly communicated with purpose and who clearly served your customers with purpose. This is the solution Darren Murphy provides. If you had a team like that working for you, it would allow you to move your company forward, allowing you to search out new customers and new business opportunities. Call Darren today to learn more about creating a solid foundation based on positive, fully-functioning employees.



Our world is getting smaller. The need to communicate to diverse groups is essential for survival.


The common thread between interpersonal, business, & group relations is the ability to have timely, effective, & appropriate communication. 


Optimism is the antidote to negativity Optimists see the path while pessimists see the obstacle.


Together Everyone Achieves More Success. Today's capital is created in the minds of innovative people.


Today's professional trainer gives your people a ladder to progressive (effective) learning.

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Darren Murphy: What I Do

Darren Murphy: What I Do

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  • What three or four words describe your facilitation style?
    Prepared, thoughtful, and outcome focused.
  • How has your experience in the medical field influenced your work outside that arena?
    In the medical field, you have a wide range of emotional events. If you know how to listen and respond knowledgeably and with empathy, you’ll be effective. In other words, you need to be fully focused and present with patients. You also need to understand how to read people and adjust your approach. That same skill set translates to learners. It’s important to do your homework, prepare for a range of scenarios, take a genuine interest in people, and help people think about what they’re going to do differently in the future.
  • What are some of the secrets for improving patient satisfaction and outcomes.?
    I think it’s important to have a rapport and to know how to build relationships quickly. You need that skill in order to help people feel they’re part of the process and not as if the process is happening to them. One aspect of dissatisfaction that stands out is uncertainty. You need to do all you can to eliminate anxiety and ambiguity when you are with a patient. People need to ask their questions when they’re still at the
  • You do a lot of cross-cultural communication training. What experience qualifies you?
    I’ve lived overseas, I’ve worked overseas, and I’ve treated hundreds maybe thousands of people who weren’t born in the United States. I don’t pretend to know everything, but I’ve learned a lot about how culture can influence what’s important to people as well as how culture can influence how people want to give and receive information.
  • How do you prepare for a training session?
    If a client will invest the time, I’ll put in the hours to really understand what’s going on and what the desired future state is. I truly enjoy projects that span months or even years. It’s extremely rewarding to realize real change.
  • Why do you think training fails?
    Assuming training is the solution or part of the solution, there are a few reasons failure can happen. The biggest one is unrealistic expectations. I’ve seen organizations with deep-rooted culture problems bring in a half-day customer service program and expect an instant transformation. That’s called magic. Anyone who tells you something different is probably selling ocean-front property somewhere in the Midwest too.
  • What’s your solution to that problem?
    For major initiatives, senior leaders need to buy in, and we need a timeline. I’ll work on a few behaviors at a time. The way I see it, it’s sort of like learning a language. For example, you don’t have an Arabic lesson one evening and then wake up the next day speaking like a native. You learn the basics, and then you build on those fundamentals. I approach large-scale behavioral change in the same way.
  • You were on the public seminar circuit for several years. When you did that, you couldn’t do the deep dives you like to do. How did you make that work?"
    had to ignite “a fire of desire” in people. Seriously, I had to get people to buy in and see value in making a change. And it wasn’t always easy. A lot of the people I worked with were sent to me to be “fixed.” They knew it, and they weren’t always happy about being in my class. I worked hard to get them to see the day as an opportunity. Most of the time I was successful.
  • What did the public-seminar circuit teach you?
    To think on my feet. I also learned how to design activities and exercises to supplement a lecture-based curriculum. Fill-in-the-blank workbooks do not equal interactive training. That’s not a criticism, by the way. At the time, a lot of companies had similar content. The industry has come a long way – at least the stuff I’m doing has.
  • Why did you stop conducting public seminars?
    don’t like selling. I like solving problems and helping people. That doesn’t mean I won’t recommend a resource, but I don’t like pushing product. The companies I was working for had a revenue-per-participant goal. My thinking just didn’t align with that objective.
  • When you’re not working, what are your interests?"
    I enjoy teaching people with special needs to ride horses on my farm, and I read. I get through four to six title a week. I’ve never been much of a television guy. There’s nothing wrong with people who are, it’s just not me.

Creative Thinking

The best way to learn about a Darren Murphy Presentation is to hear about it straight from Darren. 

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